had another crappy crappy day....i planned to wake up at the crack of dawn,but still overslept....havent combed my hair..i looked like ive dragged kicking and screaming down the gutter...my throat feels like its been stuffed with razor blades...could my day get any worse?
uhh..yeah..it could....from razor blades it progressed to rusty, dulled metal scraping my throat raw...ive been popping strepsils like it was lemon mints....after my six strepsil in just a span of 3 hours...i had a horrific thought..could i overdose on it? which sent me on panic mode...for about 3 seconds..and quickly discarded thought..and made to grab another...throat achy again..its like they are shooting a blood and gore film down there...sumbody sawing or sumthing..and mother of all badlucks...im out...and i cant go anywhere..cant leave the operation while its still going on...i tried swallowing..nothing change...they are still hammering and sawing down there....im desperate...anything..sumthing..then i see the lidocaine spray...hmmm...what if? i made a move to get it...and stop..what the hell? am i getting crazy? im gonna self anethesize?it must be the strepsils making me nuts....or my throat or the fact that im going insane over the pain...sumbody suggested to get a tonsillectomy...its a good idea...but i shot it down...for the following reason:
1) pain! pain! and more pain...the pain doesnt go away, until there is still saliva pooling in my mouth and thirst and hunger...but the ice cream part does sound nice..eating ice cream without the guilt...
2) if im gonna get a tonsillectomy its gonna b done in the or..at riverside..where i work...uhh..that would be kinda weird..for me lying down and my fellow nurses attending to me...
3) there is the matter of the no underwear policy in the OR....i would never leave it down if my co workers would see me in all my glory..hell no...especially if it would be the guys scrubbing...o..the horror and the shame...makes me shudder just to think of it
4) the worse is still to come..THE CATHETER....no way..absolutely no way...it gives me nightmare just thinking about it
well..that just sums it up...
now i popping diflam...strepsils are out...funny thing about this difflam is that it doesnt only numb ur tonsils...but heck...ur tongue too?...my tongue now feels funny...kinda heavy...i think...doubled? and make me talk funny....and guess what? sound funny too....i dunno what becomes of me tomorrow but hey....tomorrow is another day....or as james bond says...die another day....